Quang Duong, known as "Avatar" among his peers, is a Vietnamese-American pickleball sensation living in Torrance, California. Born on July 7, 2006, he transitioned from a successful junior tennis career—highlighted by a top 83 ITF junior ranking and victories like the 16U Orange Bowl—to pickleball in 2023.Standing at 5'11" and playing right-handed, Quang rapidly ascended the ranks, breaking into the Top 20 of the PPA Tour singles rankings within months.Quang Duong is renowned for his exceptional forehand, which combines power, spin, and precision. His technique features a substantial backswing that allows him to generate significant force, effectively transferring energy through his hips and core into the ball. This approach enables him to deliver deep, high-velocity shots that challenge his opponents. Quang imparts topspin by brushing up the back of the ball during his swing, resulting in a high trajectory that comfortably clears the net while maintaining control within the court boundaries.In 2024, he achieved significant milestones, including earning his first silver medal at the Houston Open and defeating top players like Ben Johns twice.Beyond his on-court prowess, Quang is dedicated to promoting pickleball in Asia, particularly in Vietnam, reflecting his deep connection to his heritage.
Quang is sponsored by Selkirk and plays with the Power Air Invikta paddle. In a recent game, he switched his paddle to a Proton.
Yes, Quang has competed in doubles, often playing alongside his younger brother, Bao, who goes by "Nitro."
Quang is recognized for his agility, speed strategic play, and rapid adaptability on the court.
Quang is dedicated to promoting and expanding pickleball in Asia, aiming to give back to his roots in Vietnam.