What is a Pickle in Pickleball? Understanding the Game’s Quirky Lingo

Pickles can be sweet, or they can be sour. Out on the court you will have days when you bathe in the glory of a proper “pickle” against your opponent and other days when your strategy is just not working at all. So what exactly does a “pickle” mean in pickleball? And how did the name pickleball itself come to be? A “pickle” in pickleball is another name for a complete sweep in a match, and there are two theories of how the founders came up with the game’s catchy name.
No matter how its title was created, pickleball’s power lies in the fact that it can be as competitive or non-competitive as the players want the game to be. Although pickleball is very similar to tennis, it is much more approachable for all age groups. It is a sport that promotes patience & strategy over sheer athletic ability.
11 PICKLES focuses on community on and off the court. We are promoters of healthy competition for all. Whether you play for fun or you battle as a cut-throat competitor, our goal is to provide the info you need to dive into pickleball with full confidence.
We’ll be serving up some lessons on:
- What Does a Pickle Mean in Pickleball?
- What Does It Mean to be Pickled in Pickleball?
- What Other Quirky Terms Exist in Pickleball?
- How to Handle the First Pickling?
What Does “Pickle” Mean in Pickleball?
There are two theories as to how pickleball got its loveable name. Pickleball was either named after one of the creator’s dogs named Pickles, or it was meant to be a comparison to a metaphorically mismatched “pickle boat” in the sport of rowing. The game was invented in 1965 when Joel Pritchard, Barney McCallum, and Bill Bell mixed together various elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Regardless of which is the most historically accurate explanation of how the word “pickle” was chosen, pickleball’s name and essence highlight the sport’s dedication to friendly, accessible competition.
Pickles the Dog Origin Story
The cutest pickleball name origin theory suggests that the game was named after Joel Pritchard's dog Pickles. Rumor has it that the dog could not stop stealing the show. Pickles would invade the court, grab the wiffle ball during the middle of the competition, and run away before the next point could be called.
While it is often considered the theory with the most flaws, the nature of the dog origin story is legendary as it adds more elements of fun to an already quirky game.
The Pickle Boat Origin Story
In the sport of rowing, a “pickle boat” refers to a boat with a crew of mismatched rowers. They are the leftovers or the odd ones out that come together to make quite a unique unit. When asked “why pickleball is called pickleball,” accomplished rower Joan Pritchard, Joel Pritchard’s wife, would claim that the game was named after a “pickle boat” with its hodgepodge of various elements the creators extracted from badminton, tennis, and ping-pong.
This theory seems to hold more weight since Joan claims that the dog wasn’t around until after pickleball was created, and Pickles was then named after the game.
Correct Origins Debated
While there are many rabbit holes to go down to find out which of the theories is correct, these are the two explanations you will see over and over again. After many years the real answer has been muddled, but there are firm believers for each of the explanations. It is important to remember that regardless of the correct answer the two origin stories are meant to be taken lightly, as they highlight the innovative spirit of the sport and embody the fun atmosphere around which pickleball was created.
What Does It Mean to be Pickled in Pickleball?
We all have good days and bad days out on the court. You may find yourself in the middle of a “pickle” on a bad day, and you may have a day when you are on fire serving up a “pickle” to someone else. The important thing to remember in pickleball is to hold your head up no matter what side you are on. Getting pickled refers to an 11 - 0 final score; whether you win or lose by 11 points there is something to unravel on each side of the situation.
Getting Pickled 11 - 0
Everyone has been there. Some days are just not your day, and this can happen for whatever reason:
Maybe you are experiencing some pickleball knee pain and you can’t reach every return. Maybe you have never heard of the pickleball kitchen rules. Or maybe you are playing against someone who literally has pickleball legend written on their shirt. Let’s face it. Getting “pickled “ and losing 11 - 0 can be intimidating, but it can be a boost of confidence when you manage to serve up a victorious “pickle.”
Whether you are the one winning or losing, it doesn’t mean there weren’t little victories inside the game. According to the pickleball rules for dummies we covered, the serving team is the only team that can score a point. There may be a time when one team is just not capitalizing on winning points at the right moment—they are not scoring when it is their turn to serve. This means that an 11 - 0 game is not always such a perfect victory.
If you are known to deal some “pickles” to your opponents, check out our t-shirt and show your competitors you mean business on the court.
The Golden Pickle - Pickleball’s Version of a Perfect Game
Much like a no-hitter is different from a perfect game in baseball, there is a difference between just getting “pickled” or being dealt a “golden pickle.”
The golden pickle is rare, but it occurs when the first server never loses their chance to serve and then goes on to win every point until victory at 11 - 0. It is a perfect skunking in its truest form as the one getting “pickled” never rallies to win a chance to be the server.
No Mercy Rules in Pickleball
There are no mercy rules in the game of pickleball since the game is so short to begin with. If one side is winning without any points being scored by their opponent the game continues on like normal until the score reaches 11 points. Since there are no mercy rules in place, it is important to never lose your fight in the battle. With such a short scoring gap between 11 & 0, there is always time to go on a late run to come back and win the game.
Pickles Happen
Pickles happen for whatever reason. It is important to stay humble if you are the one winning 11 - 0. Always stay hopeful & focused if you are the one on the losing side.
The tides can turn at any given moment, and a common respect for sportsmanship can gain you a good reputation within your community of pickleballers.
- A “pickle” is not always perfect.
- A “golden pickle” is a perfect game.
- There are no mercy rules in pickleball as the game is already short.
- You always have time to recover if you are getting “pickled.”
We have a ton of resources available so that you can prevent yourself from getting “pickled.” You can examine all aspects of your pickleball play including articles on: serving & returning volleys, learning all the rules of the game, or finding out when’s the best moment to incorporate a timely dink into your rally.
How to Avoid a Pickle on the Court?
There are many reasons that you can get pickled out on the court. If you just think about tennis rules, you will be confused when you hear that you stepped in the kitchen or you are told that you don’t get faults on serves. This inexperience can lose you a point just like that, quickly adding up the confusion.
You could also have days when you get in your head while losing, making unlucky shots that don’t pan out and being humbled by the shots your opponent is somehow putting together. It’s important to remember that it is just a game, and there’s always something to be taken away from what your opponent was able to capitalize on.
- Learn and practice, practice, practice
- Know the rules.
- Take care of your body on and off the court.
- Become comfortable with your equipment.
Look Here to Start Your Pickleball Career
Over the past 4 years, pickleball’s popularity has surged. Now is a great time to take advantage of this fast-growing sport. Our guide on how to be good at pickleball will give you a complete breakdown of where to start on your journey. From mastering volleys & serves, to practicing effective communication in doubles, we got the info you need.
Aside from understanding the fundamentals, mental toughness can make or break your experience on the court. Keep calm and continue to learn more so that you can master every aspect of your game while gaining confidence. Pickleball comes down to being cool-headed and developing a strategy on how to defeat your opponent throughout the game.
Familiarize Yourself with Your Equipment
Be sure to invest in some proper equipment. You know yourself the best; and you know how much money or overall interest you’d like to invest in a paddle, net, or shoes. But be sure to try out different options if you have the chance to trade a paddle with a competitor or rent one from a pickleball club. Maybe you will find that you can’t be stopped with a particular piece of equipment.
Most importantly make sure you are comfortable with the shoes you are wearing and try to opt for a non-slip version to have the best traction on the court.
Know the Rules
Pickleball Kitchen Rules are probably the most important rules to familiarize yourself with. This rule separates the game from tennis and its other influences. It is common to forget about the kitchen in the beginning of learning the game; but the kitchen is important to promote fairness, precise dinking, and safety during play.
The kitchen is a 7 foot non-volley zone (NVZ) on either side that a player cannot enter or even step on the line until the ball has bounced. Once the ball has bounced, players are free to enter. If the line is crossed or stepped on and a player makes a volley out of the air, play will be called and the opponent wins the point.

Keep Your Body in Check—Especially Your Knees
Pickleball is a relatively low-impact sport; but to those who are older or are prone to knee inflammation the nature of the game can be stressful on your body. Injuries from pickleball are a growing concern, and it’s always best to check in with your body before you go out to play a match.
Here are 6 signs that you could be experiencing a serious knee injury:
- Persistent pain, tenderness, or swelling
- Reduced range of motion
- Instability or weakness when moving
- Audible popping or crunching noises
- Stiffness in the joint
- Bruising around the knee
The best way to prepare your knees and body in general is to focus on preventative maintenance. Stretch, cross-train, and incorporate whole body exercises like yoga to find flexibility & stamina on the court. Consuming foods with high anti-inflammatory properties like more leafy greens and berries, incorporating more omega-3s in your diet, and familiarizing yourself with the limits of your body will help you stay healthy on and off the court.
You can prevent knee injuries and treat current issues with knee braces like this mid-priced option from Amazon. We have more info about red flags to look out for with knee injuries on our blog.

Watch the Game & Follow the Pros
Mirroring the pros is the easiest way to familiarize yourself with the techniques used for playing through every situation. You can learn a lot just by seeing how the top pickleballers handle the ups and downs of each match. Follow the Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) Tour and USA Pickleball National Championships to learn more about the next events happening near your area. You can find highlights, interviews, and tips/tricks from the pros on YouTube. Even if you don’t intend to get invested in following the leagues, watching the game at the highest level from time to time can provide you with important insight on a player's instinct & strategy.
Check out the Professional Pickleball Association website to learn more about what tours are coming up. Many of the bigger tournaments are streamed online or can be found on services such as FS1 & ESPN. To stay in more constant contact with tips and tricks, social media will keep you up to date with the most recent professional events and expose you to a variety of tips from pickleballers across the globe.
Keep Honing Your Skills
The beauty of pickleball is that it can be played on just about any level section of concrete. With your own net you could play pickleball at home or just about anywhere you can get the ball to bounce. Pickleball’s rise in popularity makes it possible to find pickleball courts at community centers, gyms, or public parks near you.
There are many ways to practice your hand eye coordination and train your skills at home. However, nothing can replicate playing a match against new opponents. Facebook Groups & Meetup are great ways to find competitors in your area. Also make sure to check for leagues that are joinable around you.
If pickleball isn’t popular in your town, you have a chance to bring it to your community. More than likely you aren’t the only one thinking about it. The best part about it is that it’s relatively easy for organizations to invest in the equipment and to dedicate space for courts.
Test You Pickleball Knowledge
What Other Quirky Pickleball Terms Exist?
There are unique pickleball terms that match the game's charm. Key verbiage includes "dink", a soft shot landing in the” kitchen”, the no-volley zone near the net; and terms like a "banger" are used to describe a player favoring hard, fast shots. The lingo is extensive but fun to use and easy to interpret. Learning this lingo is part of the fun, making gameplay enjoyable and boosting camaraderie on the court.
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- News, tips/tricks, articles all meant to improve your game
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Full disclosure: Some links on this site are affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through them, we earn a small commission—kind of like scoring a winning point in a friendly match. The good news? It won’t cost you anything extra! Your support helps us keep bringing you top-notch pickleball tips, gear recommendations, and community insights. Thanks for helping us stay in the game. See you on the court!
What does it mean to be "pickled" in pickleball?
Being "pickled" in pickleball refers to losing a match with a final score of 11-0, indicating a shutout where the opponent scores all the points while the losing team or player fails to score.
Being "pickled" in pickleball refers to losing a match with a final score of 11-0, indicating a shutout where the opponent scores all the points while the losing team or player fails to score.